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Criminal Justice Coordinating Council

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Sixth Annual Juvenile Justice Summit

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Repeats every day until Fri Sep 25 2015.

Walter E. Washington Convention Center

The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council’s 6th Annual Juvenile Justice Summit on Thursday, September 24th, and Friday, September 25, 2015, from 8 am to 5 pm at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in downtown Washington, DC.

The Juvenile Justice Summit is an annual gathering of District of Columbia juvenile justice social workers, case managers, lawyers, judges, law enforcement representatives, and other juvenile justice stakeholders who work with system-involved youth and families. The theme for this year's Summit is: Working Together, Unlocking D.O.O.R.S. (Dialogue, Opportunities, Options, Results, Stability).

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will be offered for social workers attending the Summit.

The CJCC Juvenile Justice Awards recognize youth, organizations, and juvenile justice professionals who make exceptional efforts towards improving and strengthening the juvenile justice community in the District of Columbia. The Juvenile Justice Leadership Award, the Exemplary Public Service Award, and the Youth on the Rise Award will be presented at the 6th Annual CJCC Juvenile Justice Summit.