Executive Director, Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
Kristy Love is the Executive Director for the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC). She previously served as the Interim Executive Director for CJCC, and prior to that as the Deputy Executive Director for the CJCC. The CJCC is charged with facilitating information sharing, research and analysis, collaboration and training and technical assistance for justice system agencies in the District of Columbia. Kristy oversees CJCC’s agency operations across a number of priority areas including: violent crime, substance abuse treatment and mental health services, incarceration and community corrections, and juvenile justice. She, along with CJCC’s Chief Information Officer, also manages JUSTIS, which is the District of Columbia’s Integrated Justice Information System that facilitates real-time information sharing among District, federal and regional public safety agencies.
Prior to joining the CJCC, Kristy was an Assistant Director in the Homeland Security and Justice team at the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), where she oversaw evaluations of federally-funded criminal justice, juvenile justice, intelligence sharing and homeland security programs and initiatives. During her time at GAO, Kristy was detailed to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, where her portfolio included oversight of the Department of Homeland Security, security clearance reform and visa issuance. Kristy was awarded the GAO Meritorious Service Award for her contributions to GAO’s oversight of the implementation of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act and passenger screening procedures implemented by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Kristy also served as the Diversity and Inclusion coordinator for the nearly 180 staff members in the Homeland Security and Justice team.
Kristy received her BA in mathematics and political science from the University of Rochester and her MPA from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University. Kristy is a native of Prince George’s County, Maryland, and she has been a resident of the District of Columbia since 2003. She currently lives in Ward 7 with her husband and daughter.